Title: | Nested Association Mapping |
Description: | Designed for association studies in nested association mapping (NAM) panels, experimental and random panels. The method is described by Xavier et al. (2015) <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btv448>. It includes tools for genome-wide associations of multiple populations, marker quality control, population genetics analysis, genome-wide prediction, solving mixed models and finding variance components through likelihood and Bayesian methods. |
Authors: | Alencar Xavier, William Muir, Katy Rainey, Shizhong Xu. |
Maintainer: | Alencar Xavier <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 1.7.4 |
Built: | 2025-03-04 04:17:45 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/alenxav/nam |
Designed for association studies in nested association mapping (NAM) panels, also handling experimental and random panels. The method is described by Xavier et al. (2015) <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btv448>. It includes tools for genome-wide associations of multiple populations, marker quality control, population genetics analysis, genome-wide prediction, solving mixed models and finding variance components through likelihood and Bayesian methods.
Package: | NAM |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 1.7.4 |
Date: | 2020-01-07 |
License: | GPL-3 |
Alencar Xavier, William Muir, Katy Rainey, Shizhong Xu.
Maintainer: Alencar Xavier <[email protected]>
Package include functions to perform association analysis (gwas, gwas2, gwas3), meta-gwas (gwasGE, meta3), solve mixed models (gibbs, reml), genomic prediction (wgr, gmm, press), populations genetic analysis (Fst, Gdist, LD), data quality control (snpQC, snpH2, markov), spatial analysis (covar, SPC, SPM), build kinships (GRM, GAU, PedMat) and more.
Two soybean bi-parental crosses phenotyped for the percentage of pods containing four seeds
Soybean nested association panel with 2 families () containing 196 indiviuals. Genotypic matrix (
) have 376 SNP across 20 chromosome (
). Phenotypic information (
) regards the proportion of four seed pods. Data provided by Rainey Lab for Soybean Breeding and Genetics, Purdue University.
Alencar Xavier and Katy Rainey
Data collected from the SoyNAM population in Indiana 2013-2015.
Data provided by Rainey Lab for Soybean Breeding and Genetics, Purdue University. Genotypic matrix () have 4240 SNPs. The data frame
contains the soybean id (
), environment (
), field location (
) and three phenotypes: grain yield (
), days to maturity (
) and average canopy closure (
Alencar Xavier, Ben Hall and Katy Rainey
Xavier, A., Hall, B., Hearst, A.A., Cherkauer, K.A. and Rainey, K.M., 2017. Genetic Architecture of Phenomic-Enabled Canopy Coverage in Glycine max. Genetics, 206(2), pp.1081-1089.
Genetic variation associated with markers distributed among subpopulations. The function generates a plot for structure diagnosis.
gen |
Numeric matrix containing the genotypic data. A matrix with |
fam |
Numeric vector of length ( |
F-statistics (Wright 1965) represent the differentiation among populations for a given locus. Weir and Cockerham (1984) provided an unbiased version for molecular analysis.
FIT is the correlation between gametes that unite to produce the individuals, relative to the gametes of the total population. FIS is the average over all subdivisions of the correlation between uniting gametes relative to those of their own subdivision. FST is the correlation between random gametes within subdivisions, relative to gametes of the total population. Neutral markers have an expected FST 0.05.
List with values of FST, FIS and FIT. Unbiased F-statistics from weighted AOV (Weir and Cockerham 1984).
Alencar Xavier and William Muir
Weir, B. S., and Cockerham, C. C. (1984). Estimating F-statistics for the analysis of population structure. Evolution, 38(6), 1358-1370.
Wright, S. (1965). The interpretation of population structure by F-statistics with special regard to systems of mating. Evolution, 19(3), 395-420.
## Not run: data(tpod) Fstat = Fst(gen=gen,fam=fam) plot(Fstat,chr=chr) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(tpod) Fstat = Fst(gen=gen,fam=fam) plot(Fstat,chr=chr) ## End(Not run)
The gwas function calculates the likelihood ratio for each marker under the empirical Bayesian framework. The method allows analysis with multiple populations. gwas2
is computationally optimized. gwas3
was design for multiple random populations.
gwas(y,gen,fam=NULL,chr=NULL,window=NULL,fixed=FALSE) gwas2(y,gen,fam=NULL,chr=NULL,fixed=FALSE,EIG=NULL,cov=NULL) gwas3(y,gen,fam=NULL,chr=NULL,EIG=NULL,cov=NULL) gwasGE(Phe,gen,fam,chr=NULL,cov=NULL,ge=FALSE,ammi=1) meta3(ByEnv,ammi=1)
gwas(y,gen,fam=NULL,chr=NULL,window=NULL,fixed=FALSE) gwas2(y,gen,fam=NULL,chr=NULL,fixed=FALSE,EIG=NULL,cov=NULL) gwas3(y,gen,fam=NULL,chr=NULL,EIG=NULL,cov=NULL) gwasGE(Phe,gen,fam,chr=NULL,cov=NULL,ge=FALSE,ammi=1) meta3(ByEnv,ammi=1)
y |
Numeric vector of observations ( |
gen |
Numeric matrix containing the genotypic data. A matrix with |
fam |
Numeric vector of length |
chr |
Numeric vector indicating the number of markers in each chromosome. The sum of |
window |
Numeric. If specified, genetic distance between markers is used for moving window strategy. Window must be specified in Morgans ( |
fixed |
Logical. If TRUE, markers are treated as fixed effect and hence, evaluated through Wald statistics. If markers are specief as fixed, the argument 'window' is not applicable. |
Output of the R function 'eigen'. It is used for user-defined kinship matrix. |
cov |
Numeric vector of length |
Phe |
Numeric matrix of observations ( |
ge |
Logical. If TRUE, meta-analysis (function gwasGE) will be done for the |
ammi |
Integer. It indicates the number of principal components used to represent |
ByEnv |
List of objected output from |
Empirical Bayes model (Wang 2016) with a special incidence matrix is recreated to optimize the information provided by the subpopulations. Each locus is recoded as a vector with length equal to number of subpopulations, or NAM families, as the interaction locus by family. For example, a locus heterozigous from an individual from subpopulation 2 is coded as [ 1, 0, 1 , ... ,
], a locus homozigous for the reference allele from any subpopulation is coded as [ 2, 0, 0, ... ,
] and a locus homozigous for the founder allele from an individual from subpopulation 1 is coded as [ 0, 2, 0, ... ,
]. The base model for genome scanning is described by:
That includes the fixed effect (), the marker (
), the polygene (
) and the residuals (
). If the
term is specified, the model for genome scanning is expanded as follows:
This model includes three extra terms: the left side genome ( ) and the right side genome (
), also subtracting the window polygene (
). Windows are based on genetic distance, which is computed using Kosambi map function. The recombination rate is estimated under the assuption markers are ordered and that genotypes are recombinant inbred lines.
The polygenic term is calculated only once (Zhang et al 2010) using eigendecomposition with a GEMMA-like algorithm (Zhou ans Stephens 2012). Efficient inversion of capacitance matrix is obtained through the Woodbury matrix identities. Models and algorithms are described with more detail by Xavier et al (2015) and Wei and Xu (2016).
In order to analyze large dateset, one can avoid memory issues by using the function , but that the argument 'window' is not implemented for
. This function also allows used-defined kindship through the argument EIG, and the use of a numeric covariate vector through the argument cov.
When multi-environmental trials are the target of mapping, one may use the function to perform analysis by environment, followed by "meta-analysis" used to combine the results. This strategy provides an idea of the variation on QTL effect due to environment, genetic background (provided by the stratification factor) and the interaction between environment and genetics.
An alternative to this method is the mega-analysis, where one can provide the stratification factor as a combination of subpopulation and environment. Meta-analysis can be performed in a single step with function gwasGE
, or users can perform multiple association analyses using gwas3
and perform meta-analysis with meta3
. In gwasGE
, the same genotype will often appear more than once in the phenotypic and genotypic data, so that phenotypes are provided as a matrix. The statistical detail about the meta-analysis are available in the vignette .
The function gwas3
is an alternative for association analysis and meta-analysis, also solved in the Empirical-Bayes framework for multiple populations. Unlike gwas
, gwas2
and gwasGE
, this function does not set a reference allele and analysis each marker as the interaction of allele by stratification factor (ie. family or subpopulation). Therefore, gwas3
is compatible with any allele coding.
For further statistical background:
1) system(paste('open',system.file("doc","gwa_description.pdf",package="NAM")))
2) system(paste('open',system.file("doc","gwa_ge_interactions.pdf",package="NAM")))
The function gwas returns a list containing the method deployed (), a summary of predicted parameters and statistical tests (
), estimated genetic map for NAM panels (
) and the marker names (
Alencar Xavier, Tiago Pimenta, Qishan Wang and Shizhong Xu
Wang, Q., Wei, J., Pan, Y., & Xu, S. (2016). An efficient empirical Bayes method for genomewide association studies. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 133(4), 253-263.
Wei, J., & Xu, S. (2016). A Random Model Approach to QTL Mapping in Multi-parent Advanced Generation Inter-cross (MAGIC) Populations. Genetics, 202(2), 471-486.
Xavier, A., Xu, S., Muir, W. M., & Rainey, K. M. (2015). NAM: Association Studies in Multiple Populations. Bioinformatics, 31(23), 3862-3864.
Zhang et al. 2010. Mixed linear model approach adapted for genome-wide association studies. Nat. Genet. 42:355-360.
Zhou, X., & Stephens, M. (2012). Genome-wide efficient mixed-model analysis for association studies. Nature genetics, 44(7), 821-824.
## Not run: data(tpod) gen=reference(gen) gwa=gwas2(y=y,gen=gen,fam=fam,chr=chr,fixed=TRUE) plot(gwa,pch=20,lwd=4) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(tpod) gen=reference(gen) gwa=gwas2(y=y,gen=gen,fam=fam,chr=chr,fixed=TRUE) plot(gwa,pch=20,lwd=4) ## End(Not run)
Univariate model to find breeding values through regression with optional resampling techniques (SBMC) and polygenic term (Kernel).
wgr(y,X,it=1500,bi=500,th=1,bag=1,rp=FALSE,iv=FALSE,de=FALSE, pi=0,df=5,R2=0.5,eigK=NULL,VarK=0.95,verb=FALSE)
wgr(y,X,it=1500,bi=500,th=1,bag=1,rp=FALSE,iv=FALSE,de=FALSE, pi=0,df=5,R2=0.5,eigK=NULL,VarK=0.95,verb=FALSE)
y |
Numeric vector of observations ( |
X |
Numeric matrix containing the genotypic data. A matrix with |
it |
Integer. Number of iterations or samples to be generated. |
bi |
Integer. Burn-in, the number of iterations or samples to be discarted. |
th |
Integer. Thinning parameter, used to save memory by storing only one every 'th' samples. |
bag |
If different than one, it indicates the proportion of data to be subsampled in each Markov chain. For datasets with moderate number of observations, values of bag from 0.30 to 0.60 may speed up computation without losses in predicion properties. This argument enable users to enhance MCMC through Subsampling bootstrap Markov chain (SBMC). |
rp |
Logical. Use replacement for bootstrap samples when bag is different than one. |
iv |
Logical. Assign markers independent variance, a T prior from a mixture of normals. If true, turns the default model BLUP into BayesA. |
de |
Logical. Assign markers independent variance through double-exponential prior. If true, turns the default model BLUP into Bayesian LASSO. This argument overides iv. |
pi |
Value between 0 and 1. If greater than zero it activates variable selection, where markers have expected probability pi of having null effect. |
df |
Prior degrees of freedom of variance components. |
R2 |
Expected R2, used to calculate the prior shape. |
eigK |
Output of function 'eigen'. Spectral decomposition of the kernel used to compute the polygenic term. |
VarK |
Numeric between 0 and 1. For reduction of dimensionality. Indicates the proportion of variance explained by Eigenpairs used to fit the polygenic term. |
verb |
Logical. If verbose is TRUE, function displays MCMC progress bar. |
The model for the whole-genome regression is as follows:
where is the response variable,
is the intercept,
is the genotypic matrix,
is the regression coefficient or effect of an allele substitution, with
probability of being included into the model,
is the polygenic term if a kernel is used, and
is the residual term.
Users can obtain four WGR methods out of this function: BRR (pi=0,iv=F), BayesA (pi=0,iv=T), BayesB (pi=0.95,iv=T), BayesC (pi=0.95,iv=F) and Bayesian LASSO or BayesL (pi=0,de=T). Theoretical basis of each model is described by de los Campos et al. (2013).
Gibbs sampler that updates regression coefficients is adapted from GSRU algorithm (Legarra and Misztal 2008). The variable selection works through the unconditional prior algorithm proposed by Kuo and Mallick (1998). Prior shape estimates are computed as Sb = R2*df*var(y)/MSx and Se = (1-R2)*df*var(y). The polygenic term is solved by Bayesian algorithm of reproducing kernel Hilbert Spaces proposed by de los Campos et al. (2010).
The function wgr returns a list with expected value from the marker effect (), probability of marker being in the model (
), regression coefficient (
), variance of each marker (
), the intercept (
), the polygene (
) and polygenic variance (
), residual variance (
) and the fitted value (
Alencar Xavier
de los Campos, G., Hickey, J. M., Pong-Wong, R., Daetwyler, H. D., and Calus, M. P. (2013). Whole-genome regression and prediction methods applied to plant and animal breeding. Genetics, 193(2), 327-345.
de los Campos, G., Gianola, D., Rosa, G. J., Weigel, K. A., & Crossa, J. (2010). Semi-parametric genomic-enabled prediction of genetic values using reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces methods. Genetics Research, 92(04), 295-308.
Kuo, L., & Mallick, B. (1998). Variable selection for regression models. Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series B, 65-81.
Legarra, A., & Misztal, I. (2008). Technical note: Computing strategies in genome-wide selection. Journal of dairy science, 91(1), 360-366.
## Not run: # Load data data(tpod) # BLUP BRR = wgr(y,gen,iv=FALSE,pi=0) cor(y,BRR$hat) # BayesA BayesA = wgr(y,gen,iv=TRUE,pi=0) cor(y,BayesA$hat) # BayesB BayesB = wgr(y,gen,iv=TRUE,pi=.95) cor(y,BayesB$hat) # BayesC BayesC = wgr(y,gen,iv=FALSE,pi=.95) cor(y,BayesC$hat) # BayesCpi BayesCpi = BCpi(y,gen) cor(y,BayesCpi$hat) # BayesL BayesL = wgr(y,gen,de=TRUE) cor(y,BayesL$hat) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Load data data(tpod) # BLUP BRR = wgr(y,gen,iv=FALSE,pi=0) cor(y,BRR$hat) # BayesA BayesA = wgr(y,gen,iv=TRUE,pi=0) cor(y,BayesA$hat) # BayesB BayesB = wgr(y,gen,iv=TRUE,pi=.95) cor(y,BayesB$hat) # BayesC BayesC = wgr(y,gen,iv=FALSE,pi=.95) cor(y,BayesC$hat) # BayesCpi BayesCpi = BCpi(y,gen) cor(y,BayesCpi$hat) # BayesL BayesL = wgr(y,gen,de=TRUE) cor(y,BayesL$hat) ## End(Not run)
Generates a graphical visualization for the output of the function gwas/gwas2/gwasGE.
## S3 method for class 'NAM' plot(x,...,alpha=0.05,colA=2,colB=4,find=NULL,FDR=NULL,gtz=FALSE,phys=NULL)
## S3 method for class 'NAM' plot(x,...,alpha=0.05,colA=2,colB=4,find=NULL,FDR=NULL,gtz=FALSE,phys=NULL)
x |
Output of the gwas/gwas2/gwas3 function. |
... |
Further arguments passed to or from other methods. |
alpha |
Numberic. Significance threshold to display in the Manhattan plot. |
colA |
Color of odd chromosomes in the Manhattan plot. |
colB |
Color of even chromosomes in the Manhattan plot. |
find |
Integer. If provided, you can click on the specified number of hits in the Manhattan plot to obtain the name of the markers. |
Null or numeric between zero and one. If provided, it will display the Manhattan plot with Bonferroni threshold by chromosome, adjusted for the specified false discovery rate (FDR). Thus, zero provides the Bonferroni correction. |
gtz |
Logical. If TRUE, the argument FDR will just take into account markers with p-value Greater Than Zero (GTZ). |
phys |
Numeric vector with length equal to the number of markers. If provided, the Manhattan plot is generated using the physical distance in the x axis. |
Alencar Xavier and William Beavis
## Not run: data(tpod) test=gwas2(y=y,gen=gen[,1:240],fam=fam,chr=chr[1:12]) par(mfrow=c(2,1)) # Example Manhattan 1 SIGNIF = 1+(2*test$PolyTest$lrt>4.9) plot(x=test,pch=SIGNIF+3,lwd=SIGNIF,main="Example 2") # Example Manhattan 2 plot(x=test,main="Example 3",pch=20,lwd=2) Kern = ksmooth(1:240,test$PolyTest$lrt,bandwidth=1) lines(Kern,type="l",lwd=2) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(tpod) test=gwas2(y=y,gen=gen[,1:240],fam=fam,chr=chr[1:12]) par(mfrow=c(2,1)) # Example Manhattan 1 SIGNIF = 1+(2*test$PolyTest$lrt>4.9) plot(x=test,pch=SIGNIF+3,lwd=SIGNIF,main="Example 2") # Example Manhattan 2 plot(x=test,main="Example 3",pch=20,lwd=2) Kern = ksmooth(1:240,test$PolyTest$lrt,bandwidth=1) lines(Kern,type="l",lwd=2) ## End(Not run)
Mixed model solver through Bayesian Gibbs Sampling or iterative solution.
gibbs(y,Z=NULL,X=NULL,iK=NULL,iR=NULL,Iter=1500,Burn=500, Thin=2,DF=5,S=NULL,nor=TRUE,GSRU=FALSE) ml(y,Z=NULL,X=NULL,iK=NULL,iR=NULL,DF=5,S=0.5,nor=TRUE) gibbs2(Y,Z=NULL,X=NULL,iK=NULL,Iter=150,Burn=50,Thin=1,DF=5,S=0.5,nor=TRUE)
gibbs(y,Z=NULL,X=NULL,iK=NULL,iR=NULL,Iter=1500,Burn=500, Thin=2,DF=5,S=NULL,nor=TRUE,GSRU=FALSE) ml(y,Z=NULL,X=NULL,iK=NULL,iR=NULL,DF=5,S=0.5,nor=TRUE) gibbs2(Y,Z=NULL,X=NULL,iK=NULL,Iter=150,Burn=50,Thin=1,DF=5,S=0.5,nor=TRUE)
y |
Numeric vector of observations ( |
Z |
Right-hand side formula or list of numeric matrices ( |
X |
Right-hand side formula or incidence matrices ( |
iK |
Numeric matrix or list of numeric matrices ( |
iR |
Numeric matrix ( |
Iter |
Integer. Number of iterations or samples to be generated. |
Burn |
Integer. Number of iterations or samples to be discarted. |
Thin |
Integer. Thinning parameter, used to save memory by storing only one every 'Thin' samples. |
DF |
Integer. Hyperprior degrees of freedom of variance components. |
S |
Integer or NULL. Hyperprior shape of variance components. If NULL, the hyperprior solution for the scale parameter is calculated as proposed by de los Campos et al. (2013). |
nor |
Logical. If TRUE, it normilizes the response variable(s). |
Logical. If TRUE, it updates the regression coefficient using Gauss-Seidel Residual Update (Legarra and Misztal 2008). Useful for p>>n, but does not work when iK or iR are provided. |
Y |
Numeric matrix of observations for multivariate mixed models. Each column represents a trait. |
The general model is , where
. The function solves Gaussian mixed models in the Bayesian framework as described by Garcia-Cortes and Sorensen (1996) and Sorensen and Gianola (2002) with conjugated priors. The alternative function, "ml", finds the solution iteratively using the full-conditional expectation. The function "gibbs2" can be used for the multivariate case, check Xavier et al. (2017) for an example of multivariate mixed model using Gibbs sampling.
The function gibbs returns a list with variance components distribution a posteriori (Posterior.VC) and mode estimated (VC.estimate), a list with the posterior distribution of regression coefficients (Posterior.Coef) and the posterior mean (Coef.estimate), and the fitted values using the mean (Fit.mean) of posterior coefficients.
Alencar Xavier
de los Campos, G., Hickey, J. M., Pong-Wong, R., Daetwyler, H. D., and Calus, M. P. (2013). Whole-genome regression and prediction methods applied to plant and animal breeding. Genetics, 193(2), 327-345.
Legarra, A., & Misztal, I. (2008). Technical note: Computing strategies in genome-wide selection. Journal of dairy science, 91(1), 360-366.
Garcia-Cortes, L. A., and Sorensen, D. (1996). On a multivariate implementation of the Gibbs sampler. Genetics Selection Evolution, 28(1), 121-126.
Sorensen, D., & Gianola, D. (2002). Likelihood, Bayesian, and MCMC methods in quantitative genetics. Springer Science & Business Media.
Xavier, A., Hall, B., Casteel, S., Muir, W. and Rainey, K.M. (2017). Using unsupervised learning techniques to assess interactions among complex traits in soybeans. Euphytica, 213(8), p.200.
## Not run: data(tpod) # Fitting GBLUP K = GRM(gen) iK = chol2inv(K) # FIT test1 = gibbs(y,iK=iK,S=1) # PLOT par(mfrow=c(1,3)) plot(test1$Fit.mean,y,pch=20,lwd=2,col=3,main='GBLUP') plot(test1,col=4,lwd=2) # Heritability print(paste('h2 =',round(test1$VC.estimate[1]/sum(test1$VC.estimate),3))) # Fitting RKHS G = GAU(gen) EIG = eigen(G,symmetric = TRUE) ev = 20 U = EIG$vectors[,1:ev] iV = diag(1/EIG$values[1:ev]) # FIT test2 = gibbs(y,Z=U,iK=iV,S=1) # PLOT par(mfrow=c(1,3)) plot(test2$Fit.mean,y,pch=20,lwd=2,col=2,main='RKHS') plot(test2,col=3,lwd=2) # Heritability print(paste('h2 =',round(test2$VC.estimate[1]/sum(test2$VC.estimate),3))) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(tpod) # Fitting GBLUP K = GRM(gen) iK = chol2inv(K) # FIT test1 = gibbs(y,iK=iK,S=1) # PLOT par(mfrow=c(1,3)) plot(test1$Fit.mean,y,pch=20,lwd=2,col=3,main='GBLUP') plot(test1,col=4,lwd=2) # Heritability print(paste('h2 =',round(test1$VC.estimate[1]/sum(test1$VC.estimate),3))) # Fitting RKHS G = GAU(gen) EIG = eigen(G,symmetric = TRUE) ev = 20 U = EIG$vectors[,1:ev] iV = diag(1/EIG$values[1:ev]) # FIT test2 = gibbs(y,Z=U,iK=iV,S=1) # PLOT par(mfrow=c(1,3)) plot(test2$Fit.mean,y,pch=20,lwd=2,col=2,main='RKHS') plot(test2,col=3,lwd=2) # Heritability print(paste('h2 =',round(test2$VC.estimate[1]/sum(test2$VC.estimate),3))) ## End(Not run)
Univariate REML estimators and variance components for a single random variable fitted by an EMMA-like algorithm.
reml(y,X=NULL,Z=NULL,K=NULL) MCreml(y,K,X=NULL,MC=300,samp=300)
reml(y,X=NULL,Z=NULL,K=NULL) MCreml(y,K,X=NULL,MC=300,samp=300)
y |
Numeric vector of observations ( |
X |
Formula or incidence matrix ( |
Z |
Formula or numeric matrix ( |
K |
Numeric matrix ( |
MC |
Number of sampling procedures to estimate variance components using MCreml. |
samp |
Sample size of the sampling procedure to estimate variance components using MCreml. |
Solve mixed models with a single random effects minizing the log restricted maximum likelihood (REML) using the EMMA algorithm (Kang et al 2008). Prediction of random coefficients for ridge-type model are performed according to VanRaden (2008), and kernel-type model via RKHS according to de los Campos et al. (2010).
If y is a matrix with multiple traits, the fuctions solves the mixed model via an ECM algorithm adapted from the EMMREML package (Akdemir and Godfrey 2014).
MCreml is based on subsampling with samp
observations at a time, repeating the procedure MC
times. Subsampling is a common Monte Carlo strategy to reduce the computational burden to estimate variance components in large datasets.
The function reml returns a list with variance components and heritability (VC), fixed effect coefficients and standard variations (Fixed) and estimated breeding values (EBV).
Alencar Xavier, Tiago Pimenta and Shizhong Xu
Akdemir, D., and O. U. Godfrey (2014) EMMREML: Fitting Mixed Models with Known Covariance Structures. R Package Version 2.0. Available at: http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=EMMREML.
de los Campos, G., Gianola, D., Rosa, G. J., Weigel, K. A., & Crossa, J. (2010). Semi-parametric genomic-enabled prediction of genetic values using reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces methods. Genetics Research, 92(04), 295-308.
Kang, H. M., Zaitlen, N. A., Wade, C. M., Kirby, A., Heckerman, D., Daly, M. J., & Eskin, E. (2008). Efficient control of population structure in model organism association mapping. Genetics, 178(3), 1709-1723.
VanRaden, P. M. (2008). Efficient methods to compute genomic predictions. Journal of dairy science, 91(11), 4414-4423.
## Not run: # Fitting a random model data(tpod) FIT = reml(y=y,Z=~as.factor(fam)) # Fitting GBLUP G = GRM(gen) GBLUP = reml(y=y,K=G) # GBLUP vs RRBLUP g = tcrossprod(gen) gblup = reml(y=y,K=g) rrblup = reml(y=y,Z=gen) rbind(gblup$VC,rrblup$VC) gebv_gblup = gblup$EBV gebv_rrblup = c(tcrossprod(t(rrblup$EBV),gen)) plot(gebv_gblup,gebv_rrblup) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Fitting a random model data(tpod) FIT = reml(y=y,Z=~as.factor(fam)) # Fitting GBLUP G = GRM(gen) GBLUP = reml(y=y,K=G) # GBLUP vs RRBLUP g = tcrossprod(gen) gblup = reml(y=y,K=g) rrblup = reml(y=y,Z=gen) rbind(gblup$VC,rrblup$VC) gebv_gblup = gblup$EBV gebv_rrblup = c(tcrossprod(t(rrblup$EBV),gen)) plot(gebv_gblup,gebv_rrblup) ## End(Not run)
This function was developed to solve a mixel model for multi-environmental trials and/or replicated trials when genomic is available. The model includes a semi-parametric term to account for spatial variation when the field layout of the experiment is know. Covariates (fixed effects), genetics (random effect) and spatial term are fitted all in a single step.
y |
Numeric vector of phenotypes of length |
gen |
Numeric matrix, with dimension |
dta |
Data frame with |
it |
Integer. Total numeric of MCMC iterations used to fit the model. |
bi |
Integer. Burn-in of MCMC iterations, i.e., number of iteration to be discarted prior to model convergence. |
th |
Integer. Thinning parameter: saves only 1 interation every |
model |
Prediction model: The options are: |
... |
Pass arguments to the function that builds the spatial splines |
The general model is , where
is the response variable,
refers to the fixed effects,
regards the genetic effect,
represents the field variation, and
is the vector of residuals. In this model
is a link function that represents the genetic component, which depends on the model specified.
For whole-genome regression models (BRR or BayesA), , where
is the matrix of genotypes. For kernel models (RKHS and GBLUP),
, where K is either a Gaussian kernel (RKHS) or a linear kernel (GBLUP). To avoid over-representation of genotypes,
is not weighted according to the number of observations of each genotype.
Unobserved genotypes not provided in dta
but provided in gen
are predicted in the output of the function. Genotypes without genotypic information are transfered to the fixed effect (eg. checks). Missing loci are imputed with the expectation. If dta
is not provided, the function will work as a regular genomic prediction model, so the length of y
must match the number of rows of gen
In whole-genome regression models, the regularization of the genetic term is either based on chosen prior (t, Gaussian), Gaussian (from ridge regression) and t (from BayesA). Kernel models (GBLUP and RKHS) are regularized as Gaussian process, which is similar to a ridge regression of Eigenvectors where the regularization of Eigenpairs also relies on the Eigenvalues.
If there is a large number of trials and users acknowledge the necessity of sparse matrices, we recommend installing the Matrix package and run the following code that enables sparsity:
The function gmm returns a list containing the fitted values (hat
), observed values (obs
), intercept (mu
, incidence matrix of genotypes (Z
) and the vector of breeding values (EBV
). If fixed effects are provided, it also returns the design matrices and coefficients of fixed effects (X
). If the model was kernel or regression, output will include
the random effect coefficients (g
), variance components of markers (Vg
) and residuals (Ve
). Kernel models regress the Eigenvectors of the kernel, weighted by the Eigenvalue. The coefficient (cxx
) used in the BRR
model to convert marker variance into genetic variance
. If spatial information is provided, the output includes the fitted spatial term (
Alencar Xavier
## Not run: # Checking heritability data(tpod) fit = gmm(y,gen,model = 'BRR') fit$Vg*fit$cxx / (fit$Vg*fit$cxx+fit$Ve) # For a demo with wulti-environmental trial type: # demo(fittingMET) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Checking heritability data(tpod) fit = gmm(y,gen,model = 'BRR') fit$Vg*fit$cxx / (fit$Vg*fit$cxx+fit$Ve) # For a demo with wulti-environmental trial type: # demo(fittingMET) ## End(Not run)
Internal function under optimization, complimentary statistics, and loops written in C++ to speed up ,
Some of the functions available for users include:
01) Import_data(file,type=c('GBS','HapMap','VCF')):
This function can be used to import genotypic data in the NAM format, providing a list with a genotypic matrix gen
coded as 012
and a vector chr
with count of markers per chromosome. Currently, it helps users to import three types of files: GBS text, HapMap and VCF.
02) markov(gen,chr):
Imputation method based forwards Markov model for SNP data coded as 012
. We recommend users to remove non-segregating markers before using this function.
03) LD(gen):
Computes the linkage disequilibrium in terms of r2 for SNP data coded as 012
. Missing data is not allowed.
04) PedMat(ped):
Builds a kinship from a pedigree. Input format is provided with PedMat()
05) PedMat2(ped,gen=NULL,IgnoreInbr=FALSE,PureLines=FALSE):
Builds a kinship from a genomic data and pedigree. Useful when not all individuals are genotyped. Row names of gen
must indicate the genotype id.
06) Gdist(gen, method = 1):
Computes genetic distance among individuals. Five methods are available: 1) Nei distance; 2) Edwards distance; 3) Reynolds distance; 4) Rogers distance; 5) Provesti's distance. 6) Modified Rogers distance
07) covar(sp=NULL,rho=3.5,type=1,dist=2.5):
Builds a spatial kernel from field plot information. Input format is provided with covar()
. Parameter rho
detemines the decay of relationship among neighbor plots. type
defines if the kernel is exponential (1), Gaussian (2) or some intermediate. dist
informs the distance ratio between range neighbors and row neighbors.
08) eigX(gen,fam):
Computes the input of the argument EIG
of the function gwas2
09) G2A_Kernels(gen):
Computes a list of orthogonal kernels containing additive, dominant and first-order epistatic effects, in accordance to the G2A model from ZB Zeng et al. 2005. These kernels can be used for description of genetic architecture through variance components, for that we recommend packages varComp
and BGLR
10) NNsrc(sp=NULL,rho=1,dist=3):
Using the same field data input required by the function covar
, this function provides a list of nearest neighbor plots for each entry.
11) NNcov(NN,y):
This function utilizes the output of NNsrc
to generate a numeric vector, averageing the observed values of y
. This function is useful to generate field covariates to control micro-environmental variance without krigging.
11) emXX(y,gen,...):
Fits whole-genome regressions using the expectation-maximization algorithm as opposed to MCMC. Currently avaible methods include BayesA (emBA
), BayesB (emBB
), BayesC (emBC
), BayesD (emBD
), FLM (emDE
), Elastic-Net (emEN
), maximum likelihood (emML
) and ridge regression (emRR
). A cross-validation option is also available (emCV
12) CNT(X):
Centralizes parameters from matrix X
13) IMP(X):
Imputes missing points from matrix X
with the average value of the column.
14) GAU(X):
Creates a Gaussian kernel from matrix X
15) GRM(X, Code012=FALSE):
Creates genomic relationship matrix as linear kernel from matrix X
. If genotypes are coded as 012 and Code012=TRUE, the kinship is the same as proposed by VanRaden (2008), otherwise the outcome is an additive G2A kernel.
16) MSX(X):
Computes the cross-product of each column of X
and the sum of variances of each column of X
17) NOR(y,X,cxx,xx,maxit=50,tol=10e-6):
Solves a ridge regression using GSRU, where y
corresponds to the response variable, X
is the set of parameters, cxx
and xx
are the output from the MSX function, maxit
and tol
are the convergence criteria.
18) SPC(y,blk,row,col,rN=3,cN=1):
Computes a spatial covariate, similar to what could be obtained using NNsrc and NNcov but in a single step. It often is faster than NNsrc/NNcov.
19) SPM(blk,row,col,rN=3,cN=1):
Computes a spatial matrix that capture nearest neighbots, to be used as design matrix of random effects. The least-square solution gives the same as SPC.
20) BRR2(y,X1,X2,it=1500,bi=500,df=5,R2=0.5):
A simple C++ implementation of a Bayesian Ridge Regression that accomodates two random effects.
21) emML2(y,X1,X2,D1=NULL,D2=NULL):
A simple C++ implementation of emML that accomodates two random effects.
22) press(y,K,MaxIt=10):
Solves a PRESS-regularized GBLUP. You can provide K as a matrix or as the output of the functin eigen. MaxIt the maximum number of iterations to for updating missing values (if any) if H*y does not converge.
23) emGWA(y,gen):
A vanilla algorithm written in C++ for GWAS (very simple, but very efficient). It fits a snpBLUP via EM-REML based GSRU, then run an additional round checkinkg the likelihood of treating each marker as fixed effect instead of random, thus avoiding double-fitting. It returns the marker p-values, snpBLUP marker effects for genomic prediction, LS marker effects from the GWAS, variance components, heritability, and GEBVs (fitted values).
24) BCpi(y,X,it=3000,bi=500,df=5,R2=0.5):
A vanilla implementation in C++ of BayesCpi for GWAS or GWP. It returns the marker p-values (as the minus log probability of marker excluded), marker effects for genomic prediction, probability of marker included, variance components, heritability, and GEBVs (fitted values).
25) mrr(Y,X)/mkr(Y,K)/mrrV2(Y,X)/mrr2X(Y,X1,X2)/mkr2X(Y,K1,K2):
A C++ implementation for multivariate regression.
Alencar Xavier
## Not run: # Forward gen imputation data(tpod) fast.impute = markov(gen,chr) # Wright's A matrix PedMat() # Pairwise LD ld = LD(gen[,1:10]) heatmap(ld) # Spatial correlation (kernel-based) covar() # Spatial correlation (NN-based) NNsrc() # Genetic distance round(Gdist(gen[1:10,],method=1),2) # PCs of a NAM kinship eG = eigX(gen,fam) plot(eG[[2]],col=fam) # Polygenic kinship matrices Ks = G2A_Kernels(gen) ls(Ks) # Genomic regression fitted via EM h = emBA(y,gen) plot(h$b,pch=20) # GBLUP and RRBLUP g = GRM(gen) eg = eigen(g) gblup = emML(y=y, gen=eg$vectors,D=eg$values) rrblup = emML(y=y, gen=gen) plot(gblup$hat,rrblup$hat,xlab = 'gblup',ylab='rrblup') # Vanilla GWAS gwa = emGWA(y,gen) plot(gwa$PVAL,pch=20) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Forward gen imputation data(tpod) fast.impute = markov(gen,chr) # Wright's A matrix PedMat() # Pairwise LD ld = LD(gen[,1:10]) heatmap(ld) # Spatial correlation (kernel-based) covar() # Spatial correlation (NN-based) NNsrc() # Genetic distance round(Gdist(gen[1:10,],method=1),2) # PCs of a NAM kinship eG = eigX(gen,fam) plot(eG[[2]],col=fam) # Polygenic kinship matrices Ks = G2A_Kernels(gen) ls(Ks) # Genomic regression fitted via EM h = emBA(y,gen) plot(h$b,pch=20) # GBLUP and RRBLUP g = GRM(gen) eg = eigen(g) gblup = emML(y=y, gen=eg$vectors,D=eg$values) rrblup = emML(y=y, gen=gen) plot(gblup$hat,rrblup$hat,xlab = 'gblup',ylab='rrblup') # Vanilla GWAS gwa = emGWA(y,gen) plot(gwa$PVAL,pch=20) ## End(Not run)
Calculates the ability of markers to carry a gene (Foneris et al. 2015). The index is also an indicator of Mendelian segregation.
gen |
Numeric matrix containing the genotypic data. A matrix with |
K |
Optional. Numeric matrix containing the genetic relationship matrix. A square and symmetric matrix ( |
Numeric vector containing the heritability of each markers. Foneris et al. (2015) recommends to avoid using markers with index lower than 0.98.
Alencar Xavier
Forneris, N. S., Legarra, A., Vitezica, Z. G., Tsuruta, S., Aguilar, I., Misztal, I., & Cantet, R. J. (2015). Quality Control of Genotypes Using Heritability Estimates of Gene Content at the Marker. Genetics 199(3):675-681.
## Not run: data(tpod) Heritability=snpH2(gen) plot(Heritability,chr=chr) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(tpod) Heritability=snpH2(gen) plot(Heritability,chr=chr) ## End(Not run)
Functions for quality control. 'snpQC' may be used to count/remove neighbor repeated SNPs, markers with MAF lower than a given threshold, and imputations. 'cleanREP' identifies and merge duplicate genotypes. The 'reference' function changes the reference genotype. For NAM populations, this function must be used when genotypes are coded according to the reference genome instead of the standard parent.
snpQC(gen,psy=1,MAF=0.05,misThr=0.8,remove=TRUE,impute=FALSE) cleanREP(y,gen,fam=NULL,thr=0.95) reference(gen,ref=NULL)
snpQC(gen,psy=1,MAF=0.05,misThr=0.8,remove=TRUE,impute=FALSE) cleanREP(y,gen,fam=NULL,thr=0.95) reference(gen,ref=NULL)
gen |
Numeric matrix containing the genotypic data. A matrix with |
psy |
Tolerance parameter for markers in Perfect SYymmetry (psy). This QC remove identical markers (aka. full LD) that carry the same information. Default is 1, which removes only SNPs 100% equal to its following neighbor. |
Minor Allele Frequency. Default is 0.05. Useful to inform or remove markers below the MAF threshold. Markers with standard deviation below the MAF threshold will be also removed. |
misThr |
Missing value threshold. Default is 0.8, removing markers with more than 80 percent missing values. |
remove |
Logical. Remove SNPs due to PSY or MAF. |
impute |
If TRUE, impute missing values using the expected value. |
y |
Numeric vector ( |
fam |
Numeric vector of length ( |
thr |
Threshold above which genotypes are considered identical. Default is 0.95, merging genotypes >95 percent identical. |
ref |
Numeric vector of length |
snpQC - Returns the genomic matrix without missing values, redundancy or low MAF markers.
cleanREP - List containing the inputs without replicates. Groups of replicates are replaced by a single observation with the phenotypic expected value. The algorithm keeps the genotypic information of the first individual (genotypic matrix order).
reference - Returns a recoded matrix
Alencar Xavier, Katy Rainey and William Muir
## Not run: data(tpod) gen=reference(gen) gen=snpQC(gen=gen,psy=1,MAF=0.05,remove=TRUE,impute=FALSE) test=cleanREP(y,gen) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(tpod) gen=reference(gen) gen=snpQC(gen=gen,psy=1,MAF=0.05,remove=TRUE,impute=FALSE) test=cleanREP(y,gen) ## End(Not run)